What Do You Say in Hebrew for Having a Baby

What a wonderful stage you guys are going through! Love is in the air and a beautiful little human being is about to become the most important part of your lives. Yes, life is going to completely change and your priorities will reorganize in a way you never even imagined before.

In case you got married, maybe you thought that no day could be happier and as exciting as the day of your wedding, but let us tell you that you are wrong! The day your baby comes into the world will be, by far, the happiest day of your life. Guaranteed.

But before that happy day arrives, there are 9 very long months of waiting. Pregnancy can be hard sometimes, but if you live in Israel and know the right Hebrew vocabulary related to pregnancy, this stage could become a bit easier for you.

So, are you ready to learn new, useful Hebrew words? Are you ready to face your הריון like a real Israeli? Let's begin with this… there is a bun in the oven!

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Hebrew words related to pregnancy

There are several Hebrew words related to young children and babies that you already know, but how do you deal with the gynecologist in Israel? Or, how would you ask for a pregnancy test in the בית מקחת? Well, we are here to help. Sit back, and take some notes.

Pregnant: A very basic and important word! Pregnant in Hebrew is בהריון (pronounced: beh-heh-rah-yon). Make sure you mention you are pregnant every time you do a medical exam, an X-Ray, or anything like it.

Pregnancy test: Think you might be pregnant? Want to clarify your doubts and be a bit surer of the presence of your little one inside your belly? Run (or preferably, walk) to the closest minimarket or בית מרקחת and get an at-home pregnancy test. Pregnancy test in Hebrew is בדיקת הריון (pronounced: bdee-cat heh-rah-yon). You can find them in many different colors and sizes, but if you follow the instructions (which are available in English), the results will be the same no matter which one you decide לקנות.

Blood test: It is not enough to do one (or three) pregnancy tests. Most likely, to be entirely positive that you are indeed בהריון, you will have to do a blood test. Blood test in Hebrew is בדיקת דם, which literally means "blood test", and it is pronounced: bdee-cat dam.

Gynecologist: The most important doctor during this amazing time of your life. Make sure to find a gynecologist you feel comfortable with, and also, someone who will be able to answer the one million שאלות you'll ask during the process… especially if this is your first pregnancy. Gynecologist in Hebrew is גניקולוג (pronounced: gee-neh-koh-log). Call your health insurance and don't save any time or money when it comes to picking up the right doctor to accompany you during this transforming process.

Ultrasound: One of the most special moments of your pregnancy. During the ultrasounds, you are going to meet your baby, hear his or her heartbeat and prepare to get deeply emotional every time you receive more advanced news on his or her development. One little tip: Bring tissues, you are going to need them! Oh, we almost forgot… Ultrasound in Hebrew is אולטרסאונד and it is pronounced in the exact same way as in English: Ultrasound.

Dizziness: Not everything is a garden of roses during pregnancy. Especially during the 1st trimester, dizziness is going to be very, very present. You might feel lots of nausea, lack of appetite, and maybe the need to throw up wherever you go. Don't worry! It is perfectly normal and after the 4th month of this magical journey, the nausea should definitely decrease. But, how do you say nausea in Hebrew? Nausea in Hebrew is בחילות (pronounced: beh-chi-lot), and from the bottom of our hearts, we hope that you don't feel too much of this during your pregnancy.

Cravings: What a fun part of pregnancy, right? Unless you are getting them at 4 am, cravings could be a fun, interesting part of this blessed period of your life. Cravings in Hebrew is חשקים (pronounced: cha-sha-keem) and get ready, because you might be craving things you never even thought you would like or enjoy. Let yourself be surprised!

Belly: This part of your body is going to grow a lot during your pregnancy. It is going to grow so much, that at some point you won't be able to even tie your own shoes. But don't worry! You'll look very cute while trying to do so. Belly in Hebrew is בטן (pronounced: beh-ten), and you can do many cool things with it while pregnant. Did you ever consider doing some body painting for you and your little one? Come on! Give it a try!

Giving birth: Ok. So, technically, this is not part of the pregnancy anymore, but you should definitely know how to say "giving birth" in Hebrew. Giving birth in Hebrew is ללדת (pronounced: lah-leh-det) and we wish you a painless, smooth, easy delivery!

Learn Hebrew today, and go make babies!

Learn Hebrew today. The ancient language of our patriarchs and matriarchs will provide you with phenomenal tools to have a better time in Israel, to deal with the Israelis you're going to meet next time you are in Israel in a better way, and with understanding what the doctor says while analyzing your בדיקות דם.

Begin today, register for one of our live online Hebrew courses. You won't regret it. Behatzlacha!

What Do You Say in Hebrew for Having a Baby

Source: https://rosenhebrewschool.com/blog/hebrew-vocabulary-for-pregnancy/

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